Дудулева мајка крај море седи
Вај дудуле, дај Боже дожд.
Крај море седи и Бога си моли
Вај дудуле, дај Боже дожд.
Да си зароси таја ситна роса
Вај дудуле, дај Боже дожд.
Да си навади по полето
Вај дудуле, дај Боже дожд.
Ај по полето, бериќето
Вај дудуле, дај Боже дожд.
Дудулева мајка крај море седи
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These songs were part of the Macedonian pagan traditions, a prayer for rain. It was celebrated in Macedonia in the past till around 1960s and it is part of the rich cultural history of not only Macedonia but the whole Balkan. The ritual for the goddess is consisted of a dance and songs sung by young girls. In Macedonia, one girl would be the main Dodolica/Dodola , an orphan girl (between ages 8-12years old) that would have her raggedy clothes decorated with leaves, flowers and plants (usually with leaves of black elder, бозел). The rest of the young girls would go around the village with wreaths of flowers on their heads sprinkling water with bouquets and singing songs for the rain while the main Dodolica/Dodola is dancing. While the dance is performed by the main Dodolica at someone's house, the host would supply water for the other girls who sing and sprinkle Dodolica with water. The host usually gifts them flour, wool, bacon, money, but never eggs, since it's believed in Macedonia, that it would bring hailstorm (град). After completing the rain ritual, the girls would throw away their bouquets and wreaths down the river. In some parts of Macedonia (for example, in Dolni Polog), if there was no orphan girl to perform the ritual as the main Dodolica, sometimes they would construct a wooden doll, that would take over her place.