Mario Hristovski

Mario Hristovski (@MarioHristovski) is a Senior at the Ohio State University pursuing a dual degree in Business Economics and International Studies. Born in Bitola, Macedonia he came to the United States in 2001 at the age of 7. He grew up in a very patriotic household and was raised listening to old Macedonian folk songs, and has since wanted to share his passion with others by translating the stories they tell. In America, he serves as U.S Chair of Generation M (@GenMacedonia), a global youth initiative dedicated to empowering, inspiring, and uniting Macedonian professionals.

The table below lists songs that feature translations made by Марио Христовски. Click on a song name to see the lyrics and more info.

# Song title Language
1 Абер ми иде од Могила (There's news coming from Mogila) EN
2 Бисер балкански (Pearl of the Balkans) EN
3 Вардаре, Пирин кај ти е? (Vardar, where is your Pirin?) EN
4 Глас се слуша, плач и лелек (A sound is heard, weeping and lamenting) EN
5 Една мисла имаме (We have one thought) EN
6 Едно време си бев ерген (One time I was a bachelor) EN
7 И таму е мојата родина (And there is my motherland) EN
8 Јас Методи Патче од Охрида (I, Methody Patche, of Ohrid) EN
9 Кога падна на Пирина (When he fell at Pirin) EN
10 На четврти мај Гоце загина (On the fourth of May Goce died) EN
11 Не плачи мајко, не жали (Don't cry mother, don't mourn) EN
12 Нешто ќе те питам, бабо (I will ask you something, granny) EN
13 Од Битола до Вевчани (From Bitola to Vevchani) EN
14 Оздола идет еден млад војвода (A young vojvoda comes from down there) EN
15 Песна за солунските атентатори (Song for Solun Boatmen) EN
16 Песна за Чакаларов (A song for Chakalarov) EN
17 Послушајте патриоти (Listen up patriots) EN
18 Се собрале комитите (The komiti gathered) EN
19 Слушај бре кралу (Hey, listen king) EN
20 Слушам кај шумат шумите (I hear the forests rustling) EN
21 Четворица комити (Four komiti) EN